漫長的假期, 最好就是做 Project 功課, 下學期的 I.T. Project 是製作網站, 看見囡囡很容易地按此制, 按那制, 用了半天便做好! 當然我不會錯過難得學習機會, 原來很容易和很好玩呢 .
至於 Science Project, 很困難呀! 要找表姐幫手, 她是大一學生, 都覺得好深 , 更何況我的英文程度是有限公司
Science Project Topic : Wonderful Nature
A. Objectives :
~ Learn about some common animals and plants in HK.
~ Identify different types of plants. Classify them by their characteristics.
~ Identify different types of animals. Classify them by their living environment.